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122d fighter wingの例文


  • Since 1952 it has been the home station of the Indiana Air National Guard 122d Fighter Wing.
  • The first is the 122d Fighter Wing, which is based at Fort Wayne International Airport in Terre Haute.
  • Nicknamed the " Blacksnakes, " the 122d Fighter Wing today is operationally gained by the Air Combat Command ( ACC ).
  • Other major airports include Evansville Regional Airport, Fort Wayne International Airport ( which houses the 122d Fighter Wing of the Air National Guard ), and South Bend International Airport.
  • The "'163d Fighter Squadron "'is a unit of the Indiana Air National Guard 122d Fighter Wing located at Fort Wayne Air National Guard Station, Indiana.
  • The 122d Fighter Wing consists of the 163rd Fighter Squadron, which flies A-10 Thunderbolt II . The 181st Fighter Wing used to fly the F-16 with the 137th Intelligence Squadron and has now been assigned a new mission as the 181st Intelligence Wing.